Two Kinds of Wisdom
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A man of Worldly Wisdom met Seeker and asked where he was going. Seeker told him, I am going to the City of Life, and I have been told that the way to get there is through the narrow gate. There I will find out how to be free from this burden.

Worldly Wisdom warned him of the dangers of the road ahead. He also told Seeker of a much easier way to remove his burden. He could follow a mountain pass to a city called Morality, where a man named Legality and his son Niceness would be able to give him rules which could reduce the weight of his burden.

As Seeker approached the mountain pass, he saw the fire flickering across the path, the hanging cliff tops, and the unstable path. He became very afraid. Unsure of which way to go, he stopped dead in his tracks, and crumpled in fear.

While he was still there, he saw Evangelist coming. He was ashamed as he realized how foolish he had been to leave the path so quickly. Evangelist asked him why he was there and not following the path. Seeker had nothing to say.

Reading from the book, Evangelist showed Seeker how dangerous it was to turn away from the path leading to the City of Life. He also said that Worldly Wisdom hated the path to Life and did all he could to point people to Morality instead.

Hearing all of this, Seeker fell to the ground and wept. He thought he had gone too far to ever return to the way, but Evangelist showed him, again from the book, that the king was always willing to forgive those who were truly sorry.

Evangelist sent Seeker on his way much encouraged that the path was still open to him. This time Seeker kept careful watch to stay on the path as he headed towards the narrow gate.

As soon as Seeker knocked on the gate, a man named Goodwill quickly pulled him inside. Goodwill explained that it was his job to protect all who came to him from the fiery darts being aimed down from the dark prince's castle. He explained that the dark prince hated all who travel this road, and will stop at nothing to kill them.

Goodwill sent Seeker to the Interpreter's house. He told him to take the straight and narrow road and not to follow any path that would lead away from it.
The Interpreter was glad to welcome Seeker. He told Seeker that he had much to show him if he would stay for a short while.
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