Race Your Bets -- Rules
Be the first player to reach the checkered flag by betting on which horse will get there first.
- Printed Board
- Two Standard (D6) Dice - Different colours.
- Coloured counters: 1 colour per player, 10 counters each colour.
- Six Horse Counters: These can be identical.
Place a Horse Counter on the Horse logo at the start of each track. These spaces are tracks are numbered 1 to 6.
Each player places one of thier coloured counters at the start of the Score Track.
Randomly choose a player to go first.
Playing the Game
Players take turns to either.
- Bet on a Horse
- Place a counter in the closest empty space to the finish of that horses track.
- You may not place a counter on or behind the horse.
- Pass
- Score 1 point and move your marker 1 space along the track.
- You may not cross the finish line by doing this.
- Cheer a Horse
- Declare which horse you are cheering for.
Note: If a player accidently rolls before doing one of the actions, they must Pass.
The active player rolls both Dice. (Before the game you should decide which dice is 'A' and which is 'B'.)
Move the horse shown by each dice 1 space forward, Dice 'A' first. If the player cheered a horse, and that horse was not already rolled this turn, then move it next.
When the Horses Cross the Line
When the first and second horses cross the line, the players with the most counters on that track recieves a certain number of points, and moves their marker along the score track.
The number of points is shown by the medals at the end of the track. Gold for first, and silver for second.
If more than 1 player has equally the most counters, those players all recieve the points. But for each player they share the prize with, they recieve 1 fewer point.
After the second horse has been scored that race is over. Reset all of the horses and remove all Bet counters, leaving the Score Counters in place. Play continues clockwise.
Ending the Game
As soon as any player's score counter reaches the Finish Line, they win the game.
- If two players cross the line at the same time, then the player who crossed by most, wins the game.
- If they cross by the same amount, then they Tie for the win.
Note: The points for A Horse winning happen before the points for a horse crossing second